Bulgaria flag Bulgaria: Travelling

Practical information for travellers in Bulgaria

Living Conditions


Emergency Numbers

Police and ambulance 112

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Time Difference and Climate

Current Local Time
It is %T:%M %A In Sofia
Summer Time Period
Summer time from March to October.

Map of the Time Zone

Time zone

Type of Climate
Temperate; cold, damp winters; hot, dry summers.
Tempetures vary from -1°C in January to 30°C in June.
Hotel reservation websites
Country guide on World travels website

Average Annual Temperatures and Rainfall



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Food Specialties
Bulgarian food is close to the traditional European cuisine. Traditional Bulgarian menu includes bread, yogurt and fresh milk, cheese, tomatoes, paprika, potatoes, onions, beans and fruits, grappa and red or white wine. Restaurants offer wide variety of cuisines. Along with the traditional Bulgarian dishes, many restaurants offer Italian, French, Greek, Chinese, German, Arabian, Hungarian, Latin American, Indian and Russian food.
A breakfast in an ordinary restaurant costs about 4 GBL, a dinner between 10 and 15 GBL.
- Rakia: hard liquor from the brandy family
- Boza: one of the most typical Bulgarian soft drinks
- Ayran: made out of yogurt and water
For further information visit the website Findbgfood.
Dietary Restrictions
No restrictions.

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Domestic Currency
Bulgarian Lev
ISO Code
To Obtain Domestic Currency
Visitors should exchange cash or travelers checks at banks or exchange bureaus. Some exchange bureaus charge commissions on both cash and travelers check transactions, which may be high or not clearly posted.
Possible Means of Payment
Major hotels accept credit cards, but most shops and restaurants do not. ATM cash machines are increasing in numbers in Sofia and other major cities, but bankcards, debit cards and credit cards should be used with caution due to the potential for fraud or other criminal activity.

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Official Language
Other Languages Spoken
Many Bulgarians have some level of Russian language comprehension. German and French are also widely spoken.
Business Language
Russian, English, German and French. Turkish is also used for business in the South.

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Useful Resources

To Find a Job
National Employment Agency

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